Feasibility of an Iowa Urban Service Bureau
Temporary Traffic Control Handbook for Local Agencies
Revision to the SUDAS Traffic Signal Standards – Phase 2
Development of Updated Specifications for Roadway Rehabilitation Techniques
Investigation of Improved Utility Cut Repair Techniques Phase II
Identification of Practices, Design, Construction, and Repair Using Trenchless Technology
Development of Stormwater Quality BMP Specifications
Revision to the SUDAS Traffic Signal Design Guide
Developing Guidance for Use of Lighting on Rural and Urban Roadways in Iowa
Roadway Design Standards for Rural and Suburban Subdivisions (TR-549)
Erosion and Sediment Control Training Workshops
Demonstration of Integrated Pervious Pavement System for Management of Stormwater Quality and Quantity
Investigation of Improved Utility Cut Repair Techniques to Reduce Settlement in Repaired Areas (TR-503)
Design Guide and Construction Specifications for NPDES Site Runoff Control (TR-508)
Program Specialist, SUDAS , Institute for Transportation